Conflict Management Support Offices

University Ombuds Office
University Ombuds office is a safe place where members of the University of Kansas community can seek informal, independent, confidential and impartial assistance in addressing conflicts, disputes, or complaints on an informal basis without fear of retaliation or judgment
Office of Civil Rights & Title IX
The Office of Civil Rights & Title IX administers KU's equal opportunity and non-discrimination policies and procedures, and encourages a campus climate of respect and understanding. We serve as a neutral and unbiased resource for members of the university community who wish to report an allegation of discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct, sexual violence and/or retaliation, and we offer assistance and protective measures to those individuals.
Legal Services for Students
The University of Kansas Student Senate is committed to providing students enrolled at theLawrence campus with assistance on commonly occurring legal issues. Through a portion of
the campus fees, Student Senate funds a law office on campus - Legal Services for Students.
The purpose of the program, which has been on campus since 1979, is to encourage students
to seek the advice of an attorney in order to prevent legal difficulties and to provide assistance
when students anticipate or encounter legal problems. Legal Services for Students attorneys
(or law students working under the supervision of an attorney) interview and advise students
regarding legal matters. The office provides three major services: advice, representation and
educational programs