Employment at and Beyond KU

Looking for employment?
There are numerous employment opportunities at KU including assistantships, fellowships, and student hourly positions and resources to explore opportunities beyond KU in internships, part-time, and full-time positions. Here's what you need to know:
Assistantships and Fellowships

Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA), Graduate Research Assistant (GRA), and Graduate Assistant (GA) positions are administered by individual graduate programs and offices. Ask your graduate program about these opportunities.

Non-Departmental Graduate Assistantships (GAs)
There are offices across campus not affiliated with an academic department that have Graduate Assistant (GA) opportunities such as the Spencer Museum of Art, Biodiversity Institute and other student service and administrative offices. These are salaried positions and not to be confused with Graduate Student Assistant Hourly Positions which are discussed in the On-Campus employment section below. Non-departmental GA Positions are listed in the Student Positions on the KU Employment page.

KU does offer a limited number of internal fellowships. Some fellowships require a departmental nomination, while others accept self-nominations.
On Campus Employment Resources
Offices and departments across campus have student hourly positions - some of which are open to all students and some of which are open only to graduate students. Explore these opportunities on the KU Employment website. **Please note that if you already hold a GTA, GRA, or GA position, you will be limited to the number of hours per week you can hold an additional student hourly position. Please check with your graduate support staff for guidance.

Off-Campus Employment
Many resources are available to you to help you search for part-time jobs, full-time jobs, internships, and volunteer experiences. Visit the University Career Center's webpage on Jobs & Internships to learn more about their resources and find open opportunities.

On- and Off-Campus Work Info for F-1 and J-1 Students
For students with F-1 and J-1 visas, please note there are work guidelines for on- and off-campus work to ensure you are maintaining your legal status. International Support Services maintains basic guidelines for each type of visa. Always check with staff in the ISS office if you have questions and obtain work authorization when necessary.
Work Guidelines for F-1 Students
Work Guidelines for J-1 Students
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