Graduate Student Travel Fund

Funded by the KU Student Senate, the Graduate Student Travel Fund provides support for graduate students traveling to conferences and/or professional meetings at which they are presenting their research or creative works. Professional development conferences, workshops, and opportunities that the student demonstrates are related to their field of study or research project are also eligible for funding. Award amounts vary, with a maximum award of $750. Graduate students are eligible to receive one (1) award during the academic year, with priority given to those who have not been funded previously.


Cycle 1 & Cycle 2 are no longer accepting applications

Any applications already submitted are under review.


Eligible applications will be funded on a first-come first-served basis.

Each cycle will run until funds are depleted.


Any KU graduate student who meets all of the following criteria is eligible to apply:

  1. Is in good academic standing.
  2. Enrolled at least half-time in a Lawrence/Edwards-based degree plan at time of application.*
  3. Travel dates fall within cycle limits:
    1. Fall 2024 travel from July 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024
    2. Spring 2025 travel from January 1, 2025 - June 30, 2025
  4. Has been accepted to present at a conference/professional meeting, or to participate in a professional development conference, workshop, or other opportunity related to their field of study or research project.
  5. Has not received funding through the Graduate Student Travel Fund in the current academic year.
  6. Does not currently hold a Self Graduate Fellowship or meets the eligibility criteria for Self Graduate Fellows.**

*Graduate students admitted or enrolled in a graduate program in the School of Education and Human Sciences must apply for travel funding directly through their school via the Travel Support Application Form.

**Self Graduate Fellows are not eligible to apply for the Graduate Student Travel Fund unless they meet the following criteria: (1) Self Graduate Fellowship Professional Development Award funds have been fully utilized; (2) Self Graduate Fellowship Professional Development Award funds are ineligible for the travel experience.  If Self Graduate Fellows consider themselves eligible for the Graduate Student Travel Fund, they must email to confirm.  An email from Fellowship staff confirming eligibility must be uploaded with the application for this fund.  

Award Details

Graduate Student Travel Fund award amounts are based on travel expenses detailed in the application. However, the maximum award amount is $750.

Graduate students can only receive one award per academic year.

Application Process

The Office of Graduate Studies will send a call for applications via email to all graduate students in the Lawrence/Edwards campus on the day that the application portal opens. Students are strongly encouraged to apply early, as funding is limited and will be available until depleted.

Once the application period begins, the application form may be accessed through the button located at the bottom of this page.

Applicants should be prepared to provide/upload the following:

  1. Conference/professional meeting/professional development opportunity information
    • Name
    • Dates
    • Location
    • Website link
  2. Presentation abstract or professional development justification
  3. Evidence of acceptance to present at conference/professional meeting or participate in professional development opportunity (email/letter confirmation must be submitted as a PDF)
  4. Completed statement of support
         Statement of support form
    • The form requires applicants to describe the intended use of the funds.
    • The form must be signed by the applicant's graduate advisor/supervisor or DGS.
    • This document must be uploaded as a PDF in the application form.
  5. Budget and Justification
    • Travel budget including total estimated costs for the proposed travel (e.g., airfare or mileage; lodging; conference fees or registration; additional required expenses).
    • Amount requested from this fund.
  6. Evidence of search and/or application of additional funding outside of KU
    • This attempt to secure additional funding can be from the conference, professional meeting, or  professional development event the applicant wants to attend, or from another external source (e.g., professional organization, Pivot database).
    • The applicant is not required to be awarded additional funding, but they are required to make a meaningful attempt to secure additional funding.
    • Applicants must submit a PDF of the email(s), website search, award letter or other proof that additional funding has been secured or proof that the student has inquired about a funding opportunity outside of KU.  
  7. Self Graduate Fellows applying to this fund must also be prepared to upload an email from Fellowship staff confirming eligibility.
  8. Travel dates
    • Must include departing and arriving date.
    • Departure date must occur after July 1, 2024.
    • Arrival date must occur on or before June 30, 2025.

Applicants will receive a system confirmation that their application was successfully submitted upon completion of the application.

Reminder: students admitted and enrolled in a graduate program in the School of Education and Human Sciences must apply via this link.


Review and Selection Process

The Graduate Student Travel Fund application review is conducted by staff in the Office of Graduate Studies. Each application will be reviewed to determine if the applicant meets the eligibility criteria defined above for this fund. Eligible applications will be funded on a first-come first-served basis until funds are depleted for each cycle, with priority given to graduate students meeting the following criteria:

  • enrolled in a doctoral program or terminal master's program.
  • presenting at a conference/professional meeting.
  • not previously awarded through this fund.

All applicants, successful or otherwise, will be notified via email within two (2) weeks of their application date. 

Note: Information on the review and selection process for students admitted and enrolled in a graduate program in the School of Education and Human Sciences is available via this link.

Administration of the Award

Graduate Student Travel Fund awards will be disbursed as scholarships. These will be paid as one lump sum scholarship payment to the student's Enroll & Pay account and refunded directly to the student's bank account. Award recipients will need to have set up their direct deposit for refunds in Enroll & Pay to ensure timely processing of the award.

The time to process the award is approximately 3 weeks following notification of the award, with more time considered for international students due to additional paperwork to be completed via Glacier for tax purposes. Information regarding this process will be provided to the award recipients via their award letter.

Note: Information on the administration of the award for students admitted and enrolled in a graduate program in the School of Education and Human Sciences is available via this link.

Graduate Student Travel Fund Application

Application portal for Cycle 1 & 2 are now closed.