Jennifer Roberts, Ph.D.

Jennifer Roberts
  • Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and Graduate Studies
  • Professor of Geology

Contact Info

Strong Hall, Room 133B


Dr. Roberts specializes in hydrochemistry and microbial geochemistry, bridging basic and applied science and focusing on the role of microorganisms on mineral chemistry and weathering as it applies to carbon sequestration, petroleum reservoir diagenesis, paleoclimate, and water quality from the nano- to landscape scales.

As the Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and Graduate Studies, Dr. Roberts provides leadership and administrative direction in graduate education on the Lawrence and Edwards campuses.


Post-Doctoral Fellow, National Research Council
Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin
B.S., Trinity University


My research program focuses broadly on microbe:mineral interactions and the geological and ecological implications of these interactions in subsurface environments. My program currently has three separate but interrelated thrusts—microbial attachment to mineral surfaces; nutrient-driven microbial silicate weathering, and low temperature-dolomite precipitation.


I teach introductory geology, geomicrobiology, ethics and a range of specialty courses in at the intersection of energy and environment.